Monday, July 1, 2013

4th of July Tips to Keep Your Dog Calm & Safe

It's no secret that dogs don't like fireworks, in fact, they can really frighten them and leave them uneasy.

Here's a few tips to help keep your dog calm and safe during the fireworks:

1. Keep them inside, preferrably with human companionship. 
2. Provide an enclosed small space for your dog to retreat to if frightened.
3. Keep windows, doors and curtains closed.
4. Turn on the TV or the Radio to help distract from the loud bangs of the fireworks.
5. Give him lots of exercise earlier in the day.
6. Stay calm, dogs naturally react to our own displays of behaviour.
7. Give him a treat or a new toy to serve as a distraction.
8. Massage your dog to help keep his anxiety level low.
9. Do not take them to any shows or events where fireworks will being going off.
10. Spend quality time with your dog after the fireworks are over.

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